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Past | Present | Future

Mixed Choir of The Academic Cultural and Art Society of the University of Novi Sad Sonja Marinković (Sonja Choir) was founded in 1961 in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, and was the first important section of the Society. The academic background, tradition and reputation of the choir are confirming it’s high artistic achievements by winning prestigious awards at numerous domestic and international festivals and competitions, and successful performance in the 58th season. 


The choir’s primary goals are: preserving and nurturing local and foreign secular and sacred choral art, expanding culture, art and musical amateurism, engaging in various ceremonies, contests and other public performances. In achieving these goals, special attention is paid to professional and musical developing of singers and developing civic awareness and academic life, with the goal of establishing a quality choral scene in Novi Sad. Some of the most eminent choral conductors and music educators contributed to this goal by their skill and dedication: Imre Toplak, Hilda Pucarević, Nada Pavlov, Tatjana Ostojić, Danijela Hodoba Leš, Jasmina Nešković and others.


In addition to contemporary choral music, which represents a significant segment of the repertoire, the choir also performs pieces from other epochs and styles, striving to make every performance as authentic as possible, and to reflect the spirit of the time in which the work was created. The nurturing of the music of domestic composers and the inheritance of the domestic choir identity is an important item in the choir's program.

Since 2015 the choir’s conductor and artistic director has been Dunja Deurić. This is the time when the choir gets a completely new artistic aura, which is characterized by the vocal upgrade and the introduction of a scene movement in order to enrich the audio-visual experience of the choir music.

During it’s long history the choir won many prestigious awards at numerous competitions and festivals. The last three seasons have been the most successful: 

In 2016:

GRAND PRIX at the International choir championship Lege Artis in Tuzla (BIH), 

Two silver diplomas at the Musica Eterna Roma Festival in Rome (Italy),

First place at Mokranjčevi dani festival in Negotin.


In 2017:

Silver and gold diploma at the International Anton Bruckner festival in Linz (Austria),

Silver cathedral at 21st Cro Patria Festival in Split (Croatia). 


In 2018:

Silver and gold diploma at the Canta al mar - Festival coral internacional in Calella (Spain)

In 2019:

Gold medal at European Choir Games in Gothenburg (Sweden)

Gold medal at Grand Prix of Nations in Gothenburg (Sweden)

There are 30 singers of different generations, professions and experiences in the choir, all of them connected through the love of music, socializing and travel. The backbone of the choir are the students from the University of Novi Sad.


Jasmina Nešković

Rođena je 12. 01. 1955. godine u Sremskoj Mitrovici, gde je završila osnovnu i nižu muzičku školu. Srednju muzičku školu „Isidor Bajić“ je upisala 1971. godine. 1975. godine je upisala Akademiju umetnosti u Novom Sadu – odsek za opštu pedagogiju, na kome je diplomirala. 1979. godine počela da radi na pedagoškoj akademiji „Dušan Vukasović Diogen“ u Sremskoj Mitrovici. Početkom 1984. godine prelazi da radi u  gimnaziju „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj“ u Novom Sadu gde 1987. ponovo osniva mešoviti hor sa kojim ostvarije mnogobrojne uspehe u zemlji i inostranstvu.

Horom AKUD UNS "Sonja Marinković" dirigovala je u dva navrata, a poslednji put od oktobra 2013. do januara 2015. godine.

Posebna priznanja
•    Zlatna značka za nesebičan, predan i dugotrajan rad i stvaralački doprinos za širenje muzičke kulture u Srbiji (1992)
•    Povelja dr Đorđe Natošević (2001)
•    Medalja kraljevske porodice Romanovih za pedagoško majstorstvo i istaknuto vođstvo hora (2007)


Danijela Hodoba Leš

Studije je završila na Akademiji muzičkih umetnosti u Novom Sadu. LJubav prema horskoj muzici neguje još od rane mladosti, kada je pevala kao solista i član hora "Sirmium Cantorum ". Tokom studiranja peva u horu "Muzičke omladine Novog Sada" gde uz pomoć profesora Eugena Gvozdanovića stiče prva iskustva u radu sa horom. Vođena stručnošću profesora Tatjane Ostojić i profesora Borisa Černogubova, po završetku studija nastavlja aktivno da se bavi horskim dirigovanjem. Od 1993. godine vodila je hor Saborne crkve u Sremskim Karlovcima, a od 2000. godine diriguje horom Akademskog kulturno-umetničkog društva "Sonja Marinković" u Novom Sadu, sa kojim osvaja mnoge nagrade na inostranim i domaćim takmičenjima: Kao korepetitor Opere Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu sarađivala je sa mnogim velikim dirigentima kao što su: Jon Janku, Željka Milanović, Imre Toplak, Miodrag Janoski, Angel Šurev, Dejan Savić, Zoran Juranić, Zorica Mitev, Marco Parisotto, Gianluca Marciano, Uroš Lajovic, Louis Salemno... Pored koncerata u Novom Sadu i Vojvodini, dirigovala je u St Andrei, Milanu, Parizu, Budimpešti i Minhenu.

Dirigovala je horom AKUD-a u periodu od 2000. do 2013. godine.

Imre Toplak

Jedan od najzapaženijih jugoslovenskih muzičkih umetnika, dugogodišnji dirigent Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu. Od 1956. do 1958. radio kao korepetitor hora Umetničkog ansambla Doma JNA. Diplomirao je na Muzičkoj akademiji u Beogradu 1960. godine u klasi profesora Mihajla Vukdragovića. Već sledeće godine postaje stalni dirigent opere i baleta Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu. Nastupao je u zemlji i inostranstvu. Dobitnik je većeg broja nagrada i priznanja: Jugoslovenske radio-televizije, Udruženja muzičkih umetnika Vojvodine (UMUV), Oktobarske nagrade Novog Sada, Zlatne medalje SNP-a „Jovan Đorđević” i Ordena rada sa zlatnim vencem. Od 1991. do 2008. godine se bavio i pedagoškim radom kao stalni profesor na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. Umro je u Novom Sadu, 29. decembra 2013. godine.

Tatjana Ostojić

Hilda Pucarević

Nada Pavlov

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Mešoviti hor AKUD UNS "Sonja Marinković"

Dr Vladimira Perića Valtera 3,

21000 Novi Sad



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